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Babes, Tongues, & Ties: Doula Support to Optimize the Feeding Journey

Recent research shows that families have an increasing desire to feed their babies by lactation as opposed to artificial or supplemental milk such as formula. Even with this increased desire, babies are still struggling to feed.  Additionally, there is a lack of information in the birthing community about what can be impacting their function to feed optimally and what support is available to the new family.

We know that feeding is important to new families; and we also know that there is a rise of tongue and lip ties (aka ankyloglossia/tethered oral tissues/oral restrictions) that are being acknowledged, diagnosed, and treated.

In this session, we will discuss ways for the doula to be empowered to advocate for families if they are having a difficult feeding journey due to tongue and lip ties. We will cover the signs and symptoms of a tongue and lip tie and the anatomy of the mouth, tongue, and lips.  We will also explore how you can help your clients choose the right provider and recommendations to help create the family’s collaborative care team for their feeding journey.

Addressing tongue and/or lip ties early can have life-changing impacts on a baby’s quality of life as they grow. It can affect infant sleep, feeding (breast, bottle, solids), airways, breathing, orofacial growth and development, speech, and so much more. Dr. Kum will share her process with families of the consultation, treatment planning, and procedure utilizing her CO2 laser as well as her personalized support, and wound care management.  Dr. Kum will discuss some of her clinical cases as well as what the current research shows.

As a doula, your passion, love, and support go beyond childbirth and we know that getting feeding concerns addressed early can impact the dyad’s feeding journey and quality of life as they grow. Doulas can help bridge the gap between clients and providers so that they can get a diagnosis and plan sooner than later. Join Dr. Kum for this session to learn more about how you can level up to make a difference in early intervention to enhance lactation success.


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Motherhood Rooted Community Event

Hosted by Sylvia Zamsky (@motherthemamas) and April Trettel (@apriltrettel), they are brining together Dr. Bethany Kum, Infant Tongue & Lip Tie Specialist, and Sally Danto, IBCLC to share their knowledge and to have a Q&A. This is a safe space to just support, learn, and grow together. We will also have a mediation & mindfulness practice and yummy homemade goodies - a little bit of everything for every kind of mama. Hope you can join us!

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